TKK Akustiikan Laboratorio, Julkaisut vuodelta 1992 /
HUT Acoustics Laboratory, Publications for the Year 1992

Tällä sivulla luetellaan Teknillisen korkeakoulun Akustiikan ja äänenkäsittelytekniikan laboratorion kansainväliset lehtiartikkelit ja konferenssijulkaisut sekä muut julkaisut vuodelta 1992. Eri vuosien julkaisut ovat erillisillä sivuilla.

This page lists the international journal and conference papers and other publications of the Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing of Helsinki University of Technology for the year 1992. Publications for different years are listed elsewhere.

| International Journal Papers | International Conference Papers | Other Publications |

International Journal Papers (2)
  • Alku, P., and Vilkman, E., ''Preliminary Experiences in Using Automatic Inverse Filtering of Acoustical Signals for the Voice Source Analysis,'' Scandinavian Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, vol. 17, pp. 128-135, 1992.
  • Alku, P., ''Glottal Wave Analysis with Pitch Synchronous Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering,'' Speech Communication, vol. 11, no. 2-3, pp. 109-117, 1992.

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International Conference Papers (16)
  • Alku, P., ''An Automatic Method to Estimate the Time-Based Parameters of the Glottal Pulseform,'' in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'92), vol. 2, pp. 29-32, San Francisco, California, USA, March 23-26, 1992.
  • Alku, P., ''Estimation of the Glottal Excitation of Signals "clean.wav" and "dirty.wav" with Pitch Synchronous Iterative Adaptive Inverse Filtering,'' in Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop ''Comparing Speech Signal Representations'', Sheffield, UK, April 7-9, 1992.
  • Alku, P., ''Inverse Filtering of the Glottal Waveform Using the Itakura-Saito Distortion Measure,'' in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'92), pp. 847-850, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 12-16, 1992.
  • Altosaar, T., and Karjalainen, M., ''Diphone-Based Speech Recognition Using Time-Event Neural Networks,'' in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'92), pp. 979-982, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 12-16, 1992.
  • Backman, J., and Karjalainen, M., ''Simulation of Human Spatial Hearing Using Artificial Neural Nets,'' in Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA'92), Beijing, China, September 3-10, 1992. Paper H 4-3.
  • Backman, J., ''A Computational Model of Transmission Line Loudspeakers,'' presented at the 92nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Vienna, Austria, March 23-29, 1992.
  • Karjalainen, M., Backman, J., Pölkki, J., and Lampio, E., ''Acoustics of Kantele, the Traditional Finnish Harp,'' in Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Acoustics (ICA'92), Beijing, China, September 3-10, 1992. Paper J 3-4.
  • Karjalainen, M., Välimäki, V., Altosaar, T., and Helle, S., ''The QuickSig System and Its Computer Music Applications,'' in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'92), pp. 390-391, San Jose, California, USA, October 14-18, 1992.
  • Karjalainen, M., and Välimäki, V., ''Implementation and Real-Time Synthesis of String and Wind Instruments on a Floating-Point Signal Processor,'' in Proceedings of the 6th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'92), vol. 3, pp. 1717-1720, Brussels, Belgium, August 24-27, 1992.
  • Karjalainen, M., ''Object-Oriented Programming of DSP Processors: A Case Study of QuickC30,'' in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'92), vol. 5, pp. 601-604, San Francisco, California, USA, March 23-26, 1992.
  • Laakso, T. I., Välimäki, V., Karjalainen, M., and Laine, U. K., ''Real-Time Implementation Techniques for Continuously Variable Digital Delay in Modeling Musical Instruments,'' in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'92), pp. 140-141, San Jose, California, USA, October 14-18, 1992.
  • Laine, U. K., ''Analysis of Short Fragments of Speech Using Complex Orthogonal Auditory Transform (COAT),'' in Proceedings of the ESCA Workshop ''Comparing Speech Signal Representations'', Sheffield, UK, April 7-9, 1992.
  • Laine, U. K., ''FAMlet, To Be or Not To Be a Wavelet,'' in Proceedings of the IEEE-SP International Symposium on Time-Frequency and Time-Scale Analysis, pp. 335-338, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October 4-6, 1992.
  • Laine, U. K., ''Speech Analysis Using Complex Orthogonal Auditory Transform (COAT),'' in Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing (ICSLP'92), pp. 69-72, Banff, Alberta, Canada, October 12-16, 1992.
  • Välimäki, V., Karjalainen, M., Jánosy, Z., and Laine, U. K., ''A Real-Time DSP Implementation of a Flute Model,'' in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP'92), vol. 2, pp. 249-252, San Francisco, California, USA, March 23-26, 1992.
  • Välimäki, V., Laakso, T. I., Karjalainen, M., and Laine, U. K., ''A New Computational Model for the Clarinet,'' in Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC'92), San Jose, California, USA, October 14-18, 1992.

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Other Publications (4)
  • Alku, P., and Valli, S., ''Puheen- ja kuvankoodaus,'' Prosessori, no. 10, pp. 40-45, 1992.
  • Alku, P., ''Automaattinen käänteissuodatusmenetelmä glottisherätteen analysoimiseen,'' Finnish Journal of Logopedics and Phoniatrics, no. 2, pp. 3-13, 1992.
  • Karjalainen, M., and Altosaar, T., ''The QS-Nets Neural Computation Environment,'' in Proceedings of the Finnish Artificial Intelligence Symposium (STeP-92), Helsinki, Finland, 1992.
  • Karjalainen, M., ''Real-Time Numeric and DSP Programming in Common Lisp and CLOS,'' in Reaaliaikaiset ja upotetut järjestelmät, Symposio, STeS ja IEEE, Helsinki, Finland, 1992.

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